Note I actually wouldn’t have ‘such a hard on’ for “Liberals” or transgendered folks, but they are all out mass scale preying their hyper-ideologies / sexual perversions onto children. I dont even have kids, and this game is still the most hardcore sort of act of war I could even describe and most offensive thing possible. Imagine gay male community reactions if straight folks brought in (to school) female strippers to do lap dances on gay male teens. LOL!
For real, all of this, especially little kids they’re going after, is the absolute least appealing thing I could want to write about. This is NOT the shit I ever signed on for. I’ve got way better shit to be working on, per se, but at the end of it all its all the same thing too: the games of the modern Eugenicist Movement and their Social Darwinist agenda to dominate the entire human species.
Oh, and here’s some COVID ones did did semi-recently mocking the naming of the variants.
OMICRON… HELLHOUND… Naming the next Covid variant MEME CONTEST
I AM OMICRON!!! (Naming the next COVID strain.)

I wore this paper mask most of all, the blue strap on it I pulled from the garbage at the shop, that whole first COVID-19 year, I worked on the road and when it was time to wear a mask no matter what, I broke out one of my mock paper masks:

Also see a good selection of my older media works here:
Volume 13
Volume 12
Volume 11
Volume 10
Volume WAR!
Volume 8
Volume 7
Volume 6
Volume 5
Volume 4
Volume 3
Volume 2
Volume 1
Volume 0