Still going through tedium hell trying to get the proper front (index) page up, with my ‘complete’ body of work all laid out presentable, but it’s turned to manual coding ordeals as there’s no good HTML editors anymore to match Microsoft Frontpage 98 of old. The modern ones I’ve found are but pale comparisons with dodgy code output, an absurd lack of general font etc features, or they’re just designed for proper web developer coder types.
Basically, all the new work I’ve been one for many months, which includes assembling all my old works into a singular presentation, and all the many new works I’ve been working on for this new site launch… I cant copy/paste them into the WordPress blog portion of this project, from the editors I’ve been construction them in. Nor can I utilize the html files generated by these programs I’ve been using, for like the index.html (old school style) page I’m trying to have as the front landing page.
Which is a disaster right now, because, for example, one of the pieces I’ve been working on for this launch is, the ultimate “Uncut COVID Timeline. It’s so all out exhaustive that it has to be broken into three “phases” (Problem, Reaction, Solution). Phase one is ready to go. It has over 500 entries. And it’s ‘all’ images. It’s like going through new clippings, in presentation. Meme’ifying entire articles down to the core contents, ideally nice looking, sort of method. Pretty sure my strict sticking to the model, is the first of it’s kind. Part of the idea, is to take what would normally be a wall of text (go to sleep), and make it pop. Another motive with it, beyond being a choice research tool, is a sweet copy-paste tool for writers. All the images linked to the sources. Many of which are scrubbed but recovered pages from the Wayback Machine. Etc.
I’ve already got like 2 months into that thing, alone. Right now it’s looking like just days on end of severely tedious bullshit to bring that one to life. And I gotta like go work. My life is NOT easy, and then I’m IIB.
I dont do this web developer stuff for a living. If you do and can help, please contact me!