/mēm ˈsīkəl/
1. The ‘five stages of life’ a meme trend may go through.
2. News cycle events that trigger mass scale meme trends, that is, the coverage of these trends as in the sense of covering the news cycle. -IIB
Usage: I’ve been behind on the memes cycles around here this summer, as I’ve been working on multiple major new overlapping www.darkestpatterns.com projects (special edition memes volumes, many new writings & artwork therein, and new film scripts).

I thought it was going to look like this, was trying to bet people the last day:

Instead, He went gangster:

This indictment process seems rather cavalierly a Kangaroo Court ordeal so far, like the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were so adept at, but how it ends up going down in the many courtrooms remains to be seen…

“Liberal” Main Stream News “Reality”:

This satire is actual Main Stream History:

Nothing like Orwell’s “Two Minutes of Hate” when enjoying a nice time down at the beach.
This Michael Rapaport guy is starting to grow on me. I mean not like the Herpes on his face:

He lists himself as a “Comedian” on his Twitter. His game seems to be just riding on some masochistic sense of hate projection (a bit too much like Trump himself). And the results are hilarious (which he doesn’t delete btw):

Millions of people are familiar with the “TDS” term: Trump Derangement Syndrome. But before that was “TARD”: Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder. Even in the “free thinking” forum I was on at the time, they zapped TARD out of the histories there. And apparently everywhere else the same thing happened, because I’ve never seen it ever again. But the TDS meme has seemed to be accepted enough to persist where TARD did not.

I always try to be fair. As reality always has a bare minimum of two sides. Truth only has one, of course: